
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Mark of the Beast

Introduction  What is the mark of the beast?  Is it a physical mark, perhaps a tattoo? Is it a microchip implant? If you believe the modern dispensational teaching as reflected in the Left Behind novels, that may be what first comes to mind. However, that is not what the church has always believed, and it is not the consensus view among Christians worldwide even today. Let's start with the scriptures, both those that refer directly to the mark of the beast and those which may shed light on what it means, using the hermeneutic approach of using easy to understand scriptures to help understand more difficult scriptures. 

Old Earth or Young Earth?

  Introduction Modern science, while not an authority to override the revealed word of God in the Bible, works within the laws of nature established by God and designed for us to be able to understand God's marvelous creation. A stumbling block for many seekers as well as believers is the assertion that the Earth and, in fact, the entire universe is only 6000 years old, despite the evidence suggesting an age on the order of billions of years. While a plain, modern reading of the creation account in Genesis chapter 1 implies a young earth, is that necessarily the only Biblically supported way of understanding the text? Did God create the universe intentionally to appear to be older than it is? Scriptures Genesis 1:1-2:3 (ESV) The Creation of the World ​In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be l

XMas or Christmas?

X-mas is fine by me.  Χρίστος is Greek for Christ, and celebrating Christ's mass is good.  After all, whether people choose to believe or accept him as lord, it doesn't change the fact that God condescended to enter this world as a man, and a lowly peasant boy no less, to suffer and die as the only sinless human ever, as a sacrifice able to save all of us sinners from the consequences of our sin, which is death and eternal separation from our loving creator, and who loves us enough to let those that deny him to live in that state of separation rather than suffer by living in his eternal presence against their wills.  Hollywood couldn't write a better story, and every time they have tried, they have failed.  Whether you believe or not, enjoy this day, knowing it is thanks to Jesus Christ.  And, if you don't know him or have chosen to reject him, know that he's ready to accept you with open arms despite anything you may have ever done or said. If he will accept me, an