
Showing posts from September, 2021

Does Evolution Explain All Life on Earth?

Introduction Many kids have walked away from the faith taught by their parents after learning in school that life appeared and evolved through natural, unguided processes. Many adults have defended their atheistic faith by pointing to evolution as having examined away the need for a supernatural creator.  Is it true that science has advanced to the point where we can know for a fact that life and all its forms are just random accidents? Let's take a look at Darwin's theory of evolution in light of modern scientific discoveries.  Origin of Life Before discussing the origin of new species, we should look at the origin of life itself.  Could life have originated through purely naturalistic, unguided means, or was there an intelligent creative force involved? Abiogenesis (Spontaneous Origin) A longstanding theory holds that the conditions on the early Earth included the right combination of compounds in the oceans and atmosphere to react, possibly powered by electrical discharge fr